Construction Supply Sourcing carries high quality, labor saving tools in the construction industry. We distribute the latest innovations in plumbing, specialty hardware, concrete accessories, industrial safety and labor saving tools. Get the job done faster.
We work with pros that count on the tools we supply on a daily basis. Whether it’s commercial construction or residential Construction Supply Sourcing can make your job faster & safer. We have the industrial supplies to assist General Contractors, Electricians, Plumbers, Framers, Specialty Contractors, Specialty Contractors, Waterproofers & Drywallers
Construction Supply Sourcing is a website dedicated to specialized products with limited distribution. In order to be carried by Construction Supply Sourcing, the products must meet specific criteria. Everything we carry is high quality, labor saving and innovative. Most of our products are new to the construction industry and have limited distribution. If you have a new, high quality product for the construction industry and have limited distribution, we are interested in helping you bring it to market. Let our proven marketing strategies work for you. Contact Construction Supply Sourcing today.
[/col] [col span=”1/3″] [accordion title=”FAQ”] [accordion-item title=”Shipping”] Our standard carrier is USPS or FedEx.Will Call is also available at:
17151 Newhope St, Ste 212
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
For expedited shipping please email us at and provide the following information:
- Product SKU (or name if SKU is not available)
- Order quantity
- Ship to address
- When you want the product by
- And we will respond in 24 business hours with freight quote for expedited services
[/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=”New?”] Have a product related to the construction industry you think we’d be interested in selling? Contact us.
[/accordion-item] [/accordion][/col] [/row]